Monday, January 31, 2011

The Spam Monster is Back...

Thought I had cleared out all the spam comments with my trusty software last year, but now a few people are commenting about not liking one of our authors! I have had to delete about 50 comments already! Please stop posting comments with swear words in them. And also, it looks like Connor and Paintcan42 have made a blog together. I will be joining that blog soon. Thanks for the request!

***App Update***
Well, everyone seems to have a smartphone right now. A few months back, I said that I'm making a app for Apple Devices (iPhone, iPod, iPad, and Mac, iOS 4.1 or higher) Well, the problem? The software costs A LOT OF MONEY, in the hundreds and thousands (US). And that's not really the PROBLEM. I can afford that. The big problem is that the publishing device won't even OPEN. I have the app, but it won't let me publish. Pathetic, right? That's a waste of money!

WE NEED AUTHORS REALLY BADLY! The two authors with their enrollment previously revoked can now post again. If you want to be an author, either post your email on this page, or email I'm REALLY desperate for authors right now!

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