Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What is Plagiarism?

Does ANYONE know what PLAGIARISM is? It's NOT a good thing! It's when you copy something off a website and say that you made it. For example, during school, if you have to write an essay, and you find one off the web, and that's your essay, that's PLAGIARISM! Another example is that when a blog writes something, and another blog owner decides to copy that blog, do you know what that is? Yep, you guessed right. Plagiarism. Flashback: A year ago, we were the ONLY Panfu blog. Now, we are joined by over 200 Panfu bloggers! So I guess our claim "The Best and Only Up to Date Panfu Blog" is not valid anymore. However, I would like to claim that we are currently the #1 Panfu Blog on the web, as classified by 7 Panfu blogs have been SHUT DOWN with my trusty $599 US software, because of what? You guessed it, plagiarism. Copying stuff is AGAINST THE LAW IN ANY COUNTRY! This is what happened. I got a software from a local shop in the US, then I tried it out. I discovered that there were 11 Panfu Blogs that copied stuff from our blog! With the help from Wordpress and Blogspot, we disabled seven of them for copying off us. Four of them copied minor things from us (One walkthrough, author application, etc.) Those were NOT disabled. The only people who can copy MINOR things are our authors. Even though you're an author doesn't mean you can just copy everything, though! One walkthrough or one page to help us out is enough. If you currently have content from your Panfu blog from our blog, you know who you are, please take it off your blog! I have talked to one of our authors, and have told him/her it is ok to copy one page off this blog. If you are THINKING of using any of our content, please email

If you want to avoid paying a $250 US (about $130UK) fine, please take the content off your blog!

PH Main Author

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