Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Cure for the Plagiarism...

Guess what? The site shut-down has ran up to 11. 11 sites shut down because of copying from THIS BLOG. A couple months back, because of all the people copying, I put a message in the post of everyone copying. Now if you try to copy ANYTHING, yes ANYTHING, off this blog, your blog will INSTANTLY be shut down. In one second. So guess what? Try to copy off this page. Copy anything, and put it in a word document. A ghost haunts you when you paste. And when you try to copy something and put it in your blog? (DON'T!) Boom. A ghost destroys your blog. And, also, if you have already copied something off this blog, and my software hasn't caught you yet, guess what? You also will be shut down. Just like that. This software will launch for the whole blog in the next week, and if you currently have ANY CONTENT from this blog, after I press the "Activate" button, ANY blog with ANY content will be instantly destroyed. In one second! I advise you to take anything off your blog from our site before the end of this month. Cause that ghost will haunt you for the rest of your life. And I know you don't want that to happen. THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE.  Copy. Paste. Boom. Your blog is gone forever. There is no way to get it back.
PH Main Author


  1. Copy. Paste. Boom. oops. now ghost haunts me! :p

  2. Oh, and please don´t delete that post. I was just joking!

  3. Sorry for the third comment, but when´s that CP party?

  4. aaypbs fix your software and STOP it from deleting my blog. Ypu even said this to me

    `you can make your own services up' and you also said

    `change the author application'

    But i recieved an email saying its gonna shut down my blog tommorow.

    Stop it!
    Ive deleted the content ANYWAY. and its still saying. So stop it please!
