Sunday, May 9, 2010


I know I said there was going to be a contest today, but actually the contest is TOMMOROW. Sorry...


  1. WOOOOWWWW!!! is giving away another LAPTOP! All this month (May)
    they will be giving clues to how we can win it. The Mayor said that the laptop is
    just one of over 50 prizes to be given out for their big JUNE TOON-UP!

    Not only will there be a whole new slew of adventures coming into Tootsville,
    I hear they are changing the avatars too!

  2. Spam? I have ZERO TOLERANCE for Spam. I will remove the comment above.
    Thanks, Cube...
    10 Points.
    And, sorry there was no contest... my computer crashed for a WHOLE WEEK!

  3. And one more thing.
    I do not tolerate advertisements for tootsville either. I don't even play tootsville anymore...
