Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Poll Finished!

Yeah! It looks like 61% of you like Panfu, 50% like CP, 12% like Pandanda, 5% of you like Chobots and Wiglington and Wenks, 4% of you like None of these, and 15% like Other Virtual Worlds! Yes, these numbers do not add up to 100 because you could select multiple answers. 467 different pandas voted! That's our most yet! Yay! Next time, let's get to 500! Some of you wanted me to make a poll for you, polls will be out today or tommorow! Sorry for the 1 month delay, if your poll is on the waiting list! Here is the waiting list:

Waiting List:

wonderbabe's Poll: Coming 10/30/10!
super_penguin_123's Poll: Coming 11/24/10!
heartie's Poll: Coming 11/25/10!
bluey's Poll: Coming 12/1/10!
star_123's Poll: Coming 12/2/10!
supermariogalaxy2's Poll: Coming 12/4/10!

Sorry wonderbabe, your poll was supposed to be out like a month ago! super_penguin_123 and heartie, your polls will be out today or tommorow, same for wonderbabe! Thanks!
Have another poll to add to the waiting list, go ahead, post a comment!
1. Your poll must be about either CP, Pandanda or Panfu.
That's all! Go to Make a Poll Central by clicking on this link to find out more about making a poll on this blog!
Scroll down for lots more posts, including Card Jitsu Water and a Panfu Mini Quest Walkthrough!

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