Thursday, March 17, 2011

National Geographic Quiz!

Here's our next contest! Answer the following questions. They don't have anything to do about virtual worlds. All answers can be found in the National Geographic Kids April 2011 Magazine.

1. Animal Jam is made by: ____.
2. The universe is about ____ BILLION years old!
3.  A typical hurricane weighs as much as ___ MILLION hippos!
4. An athlete once swam the entire Mississippi River (in the US)---from Minnesota to Louisiana---in ___ days.
5. The largest known octopus had arms long enough to wrap around ___ cars!
6. Bubble Wrap was originally invented as (wallpaper/paintings)
7. Cats see ___ times better at night than humans.
8. There are ___ species of wild cats in the world.
9. The largest cupcake ever made weighed ABOUT ____ pounds. Round to the nearest hundred.
10. Hello in Italian is (aloha/ciao)
11. Hello in Zulu (South Africa) is (sawubona/gusalter)
Questions 12-13 are "green" vegetables.
12. Unscramble this word. RENGE AEBSN
13. Unscramble this word. TUETLCE
14. The (Bengal/Wildturt) tiger is India's national animal.
15. A dog named Tubby has "recycled" ______ plastic bottles so far!
16. Dalmatians are born (with/without) spots.
17. Sternutation is a fancy word for (sneezing/running)

This is meant to be fun. Please don't research these. GUESS. The first person to get all correct OR the person with the MOST correct answers in a few days wins 1 YEAR OF MEMBERSHIP FOR ONE VIRTUAL WORLD (Pandanda, Panfu, Club Penguin) Again, don't go research. If you have National Geographic Kids, this is going to be easy! Here's a free Animal Jam Code too-moviebytes. This is unlimited-time use. NOTE THAT THE QUESTIONS WITH TWO WORDS IN PARENTHESES (sneezing/running) are MULTIPLE CHOICE. ONE OF THOSE WORDS WILL BE THE ANSWER.

Good Luck!
PH Main Author
No way to cheat this time! :) Ha Ha Ha...


  1. ! some of them are easy and some of them i forgot the answer. i am nemi

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  3. Oh and Number seven is 6 Times.


    PS:Will you delete my entry soon? so no-one copies.

  4. So remember Aaypbs, If i win, Please may i get 2x6 Months membership codes for Cp?

    Thanks Aaypbs so much and i hope i win


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  7. Oh And My mam cant afford National Geographic Magazines anymore- They're too dear.

    Oh well, Money is quite tight where i live

    PS:Email and tell me how many ive got right. 16/17 At least i hope!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lol Thanks

