Friday, August 19, 2011

Are you interested to read?

Hey guys! I still don't know why we are not posting that often. :P

I found this computer game that you have to download. I've been playing this game for like ... since '09. I was addicted to it when I was a beginner...then I had a long break...and back again, addicted. I'm still playing. Since this blog is about virtual world games, I would like to add another one.

This game is: Toontown.

Have you heard of it before?

It is very fun. You get to make friends, decorate your house, adopt a pet Doodle, wear clothes, go to parties.... well, some activities will only work if you become a member. Doodles are only kinds of pets in Toontown. Oh, and YOUR toon [person/avatar] could be a dog, cat, horse, donkey, pig, bear, mouse, rabbit....Yeah, we're all animals. :) You get to fight in a battle with a Cog. Cogs are the people we have to destroy. Cogs are Robots who wants to take the fun out of Toontown. We don't want that to happen, right? Every Toon is helping Toontown to get rid of the cogs. There are four kinds of Cogs, Bossbots [who just likes to boss around], Cashbots [who cares for money, money, money!], Lawbots [who just...rules....], and Sellbots [who...sell...] Well, I'm spilling a lot of things.

So, Toontown needs YOUR help!

Join Toontown!

This is Toontown's website! CLICK HERE!

I'll see you there! :)


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